Tuesday, December 25, 2012


My mom just made me a fruit smoothie with fresh fruits such as pomegranate, strawberrys, something else, AND PINEAPPLE! Hash tag so tart

Monday, December 24, 2012

Sims 3

When your on the phone with your friend at midnight and they are playing sims and you tell them to make (think of Louis Tomlinson&Eleanor Calder) a girl named Lou Thomas and a boy named Elliot Thomas (boy is Elliot as in Eleanor and girl is Lou as in Louis<3)

Sunday, December 23, 2012


Looking through your friends 1D blog and can't stop laughing becuase you can imangine how they reacted when they first thought of/saw the stuff they posted.
#NowPlaying Kiss You by 1D. OH I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE VIDEO JANUARY 7th!

X Factor USA

I just wanted to say congrats to Tate Stevens for the win of the X Factor USA winning this season.(:

Monday, December 3, 2012

What kind of sick joke is this?

I'm balling my eyes out this isn't funny anymore.
Mr X needs to be stopped.

Mr X

So lets talk X-Factor.
This is the US one we're talking about.

Judges: L.A. Reid, Britney Spears, Demi Lavato, and Simon Cowell.

Simon Cowell
-Emblem 3
-Fifth Harmony

L.A. Reid
(Over 25s)
-Tate Stevens

Britney Spears
-Carly Rose Sonenclar
-Diamond White

Demi Lavato
(Young Adults)
-Cece Frey

Most recent voted-off contestants were Vino and Paige.
My opinion on these booted contestants:
Vino- I really like how he dedicated his songs to the veterans and soldiers back in his hometown, that right there instantly gave him loads of respect from me.
Paige- She was a young mother, I usually can't stand teen moms because of the stupid show they have right now but she didn't seem stuck up like the ones on that show do. She has an AMAZING voice. I was rooting for her from the start. Her style and voice; loved it.

Opinion on the contestants still on running:
Emblem 3- Good singers! They are also lucky to have Si as their mentor. If I was running in x factor I would definitely want Si to be my mentor.
Fifth Harmony- These girls remind me of 1D, I mean theres five of them how couldn't it remind you of them! They all have a good style sense and amazing voices.
Tate Stevens- This lad is an amazing country singer! I'm definitely rooting for him now that Paige is off. #VOTEFORTATE
Carly Rose- This girl is always in first or second, getting there with an amazing voice of hers. Shes really good, but I'm not rooting for her even though she's an amazing singer and truly does deserve to win!
Diamond White- She is super amazing theres not much else to say really, but I am rooting for her also.
Cece Frey- She's a good singer but she uses her really good voice on the wrong songs and it doesn't soumd the best tbh.

Christmas money!

Okay so I get $50-$100 dollars of christmas money. I know a lot of it spent will be on 1D stuff. So, so far this is my list:
•All 5 covers of 1D Teen Vogue. Each Teen Vogue magazine is $2.99 so 3x5 is 15, pretty cheap for collectable items, right?
•The boys first documentry movie. (cost ranges from where bought.)
•1&2 official book (Forever Young and Life as 1D) (cost ranges from where bought)
•*POSSIBLY* Other One Direction magazines found..

and maybe gifts for friends(:

Teen Vogue

Okay so most of us know that they are having a contest...
You have to subscribe and stuff and pay ten bucks or whatever and it says 'NO PURCHASE NESSACARY' right on there. So FML i know my mom won't pay and I only have 33 cents left on my card.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Latest Band Where-Abouts

1D is currently in NYC (New York City) for MSG.
-Niall has already been mobbed inside his taxi.
-Baby Lux is being stalked by hundreds of fans.
-Eleanor, Perrie and even Danielle is said to even be coming to the concert. Will this be the Payzer reunion?
-Eleanor and Perrie are said to be wearing shirts that say (back) they'll be taking me home. (sorry, i forgot what the front said!)
-Family, and close friends are with the boys in NYC.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Latest Fandom Drama

As most of us fans know, we are always having some sort of drama.
Yesterday was Thanksgiving to the people who celebrate it, or in our fandom, it was Wanksgiving. At first, the rumor started out as someone hacked into Niall's webcam on his laptop and recorded him masturbating. Another one about him was going around, a GIF actually, of him smoking weed. 5 days before the GIF and drama of the weed smoking, a fan tweeted Niall about it and Niall responded saying something along the lines of it was a drunken mistake and it will not happen again. Though most of the fandom is going crazy about it on twitter (I haven't checked tumblr yet), they need to relax. They are teenage boys, they will have fun such as drinking, possibly smoking, or what ever else they choose to doIt may not be good for them and I'm pretty sure they know that but the fandom needs to lay off just a little bit. So around 3-4 Thanksgiving evening, what the Directioners were waiting for happened. Niall posted " Long day! Thank you Germany! See ya soon,off to bed! I hate rumours by the way!" Which meant he has seen the rumors and confirmed that they are not real. The drama over that died down a lot. Which also means that there was no wanking video.
Over the night for people in Washington like me, more drama started up between The Wanted and Zayn (and some of Louis) which is now causing rivalry between many different fandoms getting involved such as the Beleibers, and other fandoms. 'Zayn and Louis' is trending worldwide on  twitter for the past 1-2 hours. We don't know exactly what is happening between the bands. Niall is friends with TW but clearly Zayn isn't. The only Louis was involved becasue I think he was trying to calm the two but they kept sending rude tweets to eachother. The tweets are now deleted from Zayns account because Managment was probably having a hissy-fit, and suprisingly, 'Zayn and Louis' is no longer trending.
~Everything in italic is my thoughts.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Some edits I have done....

If you take please give credit to my blog OR twitter: @Taylor_M_M


I'm done.
I want to cry.
And throw up because of that picture.
That woman scares me.
Why is the world so cruel to TLC?

Monday, November 19, 2012

Sunday, November 18, 2012

My rage I posted in my presentation on SD.

All Directioners are like a family to me. Like yeah we have drama, some hate one another over liking the same boy but its like what the bloody hell are you fighting about? For example, if two girls like Louis, they fight over who loves him more and act like they own him. No, his heart is to Eleanor, yeah he loves his fans too but he doesn't know half of us walk this earth. I know it's hard to get through your mind and I constantly think about it too and it hurts me inside that I love them so much, think about them 24/7, and they don't know I exist. They are the ones that cheer me up when I'm sad. I can be sad about anything and I watch one interveiw which ends up being like ten more interviews I watch and I'm suddenly better or I re-watch the video diaries for the hundreth time, they put a smile on my face. Expecailly Lou and his immaturity, Harry cheekyness and slow speaking, Nialls quietness in interviews because he's afraid is he says much he will say a curse word, Zayns' chillness, and Liams honestness and not to mention hotness.
When I meet a new Directioner, it makes my day. They have changed my life so much I can't really explain what they mean to me in words but I can only feel it. I could go without meeting them if it meant losing them if that made any sense. Like if I ever met them and it meant after I meet them I have to stop being a Directioner, I wouldn't meet them. These lads receive so much hate it is not even funny and not to mention that the fans do too from their peers at school. We love them because they put a smile on our face like they don't. I could be getting bullied for the rest of my life and still have a smile on my face everyday because I think of One Direction, the video diaries, interviews, quotes, just the THOUGHT of them makes me smile. Their music doesn't always relate to what I'm feeling but it's like my mental medicine, may not fix me being physically sick as in I have a cold but as I said, when I'm sad, they fix my problems without actaully talking it out or whatever.
Yeah I know I'm writing a lot but I really just needed to get it out. We have the best fandom out there, but also the creepiest if you know what I mean. For example, this fandom knows the boys blood types. Heck I don't even know mine! Then some girls hacked into a 'secure' airport camera just to watch Harry do nothing. Just sit there. Sometimes I worry about people in this fanbase. I read this story a couple days ago of a girl being bullied for liking One Direction so much she hung herself. That's sad. People shouldn't bully people for liking something you don't. I mean it's not like we bully them for having 'swag' and wearing their pants so low their plaid boxers show. Or girls having so much makeup on it looks like they fell into a mud puddle and never watched it off thier face. Those people bully the girls (and some boys) who love someone who actaully make them happy because of people like you. WHAT IS BLOODY WRONG WITH PEOPLE THESE DAYS?
This rage is not over. I will be adding more and more as life goes on. I'm so unchuffed with this fandom right now. Even Directioners bully other Directioners.


They're eyes are so pretty! Who agrees?

Saturday, November 17, 2012


I'm dying. Who ever made this, I love you till forever. That's genius.
Anyone else dying of laughter.
If you know what I mean^^

Friday, November 16, 2012


If you ship Haylor I want to push you off the face of this planet.
Taylor Swift and Harry Styles? No. Just no. Just because her song mentioned 30 tatooes and curly hair doesnt mean it was Harry. It could have been that connor bloke who she is 'dating'.
When I think of 'Haylor' I think of this.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Haha oh my..(:

Talking about them non stop around my dads girlfriend really pays off lol. I even got her to fan girl when their songs come on the radio(:
I'm amazing.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Oh dear.

Alan Carr chatty man and his recent tweet. Very.... Interesting..!

Maths class.

Credit of picture goes to Trinity Yardley for making this up in Maths!
Do you get it?

Tyler on twit cam last night!

He was doing a twit cam going over all the Take Me Home songs. He is very amusing. Ha! Anyone else watched it??(;

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

True Shizz

Like no joke. Her sister doesn't like em and she ships her with one of the boys!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

#1 & 2!!!!

We did it! We got it to 1 & 2 on iTunes! Hurray!

Who ever made this..

Want to see just how cute Niall is? You won't stop smiling as you watched it just like me.


People take everything too far.
The boys can have a friend that is a girl.. or boy (referring to Grimmy!) without them possibly being  in a relationship and the fans writing a flacking fanfic. Like the Harry&Grimmy or even the *que barfing sound* Zux fanfic.
I would rage A LOT more but I have to get off the internet):

Kill me now.

I missed it AGAIN!
Why me??):

That moment when..

You miss LWWY on the radio two times in two days.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Oh Liam..(:

You just HAD to replace the letters with % and *
You really are too nice(:

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Lol I know; horrible ship name...


I must admit is pretty cute(:
Hah I used the only pics I had on my iPod... So don't yell at me!
But call me(:

Sunday, November 4, 2012


This is why i love kingsleyy and tyler oakley<3

That moment when..

Someone calls Louis 'Lewis' and your like:

This is why I love kingsley:





"Who smiles at the ground?"



Want more?

1040 page views

in about three months<3
even though you don't comment or follow you still read it<3

Being a directioner really messes with your head!

But I love being one<3
Okay, so, this post is about not being able to see other guys as hot as 1D.
So I was you know looking at my new magazine that had 1D in it and I came across a picture of some dude either Austin Mahone or Cody Simpson (He had darker hair so I'm pretty sure it was Austin)
ANYWAY, so he was like shirtless and the magazine was saying how hot he looked and i screamed "HE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE FOUR NIPPLES!"
So yeah, In my mind no other guys besides Louis, Niall, Harry, Zayn and Liam and Josh Devine and JB are H.O.T.

1D's security carries guns?!

Personally, I haven't heard those rumors until I read Louis' status!
Sorry about the really big picture. I did a screen shot and edited it^^

McNialler x

So I was scrolling through FB and I saw this. Reminds me of when my friend and I were putting Mc infront of the boys names!

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Do you know whats going to happen next? It really does hurt(:x


Is another reason why i love this fandom.

This is why..

I love Harry Styles. His off-the-wall random tweets that make my day. &of course his cheekiness<3

Im about to cry!

People really need to stop the hate on Harry. No, ALL THE BOYS.