Sunday, September 30, 2012

Very Rare..

Those very rare pictures you find where Niall ISN'T eating.
Imangine its your birthday and your parents say 'We got you a suprise!' and in walk One Direction:
 And Your like:

You just stand there like:
They ask if your okay:
In your mind your thinking:


Bowing is way better than Johnson. I am NOT changing it back! I still get atleast 1 say in MY story. OH and Ryan's last name is Grossling since you never gave me that. I can change it when you tell me what you want it to be, lard!<3 (: x

Saturday, September 29, 2012


OMG guys! My I <3 louis bracelet just came!!!!!!!!!!!!


Okay for some reason this reminded me of you Lindsey..

Alan Carr & One Direction Sept. 28 2012!!

Click Here To Watch Interview!
^Link to full video^

So, it's true?):

I wanted to scream when I was watching the interveiw!


I will do this..

Police: Everything you say can and will be held against you.
Me: Niall Horan.


The Ziall brothers!

I'm a proud nutball.(:

So my mom just called me a nut job for laughing histarically at the computer screen - I was reading a One Direction post, what do you expect me to do? Keep a straight face? YEAH RIGHT.

Just for Lindsey.(:


Naughty, naughty..

HAH - cuz thats something to celebrate about!


When you read this.. CALL ME!

*Sees A Pigeon*

Before One Direction: Oh it's just a pigeon.
After One Direction: OMG! Kevin is that you!?

I love this!

"One Direction: You can insult us, but never insult our fans.
Directioners: You can insult us, but never our boys."


Click Here To Read Story!
Read my new Niall Horan fan fiction!

Friday, September 28, 2012

What Happens When I'm Married And Older:

Me: I wonder whats going on with One Direction?
*goes on google and looks them up*
Me: Oh look Niall's still Irish and hot, no surprise. Let's see, oh it's Liam with his own franchise and music company. Louis, oh wow. Three boats, his own island, and look even his own store called "Peasants are Us." Hm, look Harry still has those gorgeous dimples and curly hair. Hey look Zayn still has amazing hair and is still very sexy....and still single?!
*yells to husband*
Me: HONEY I'M GOING TO BRADFORD FOR UH uhh WORK! Expect some papers in the mail soon!
*walks out*
Me: Zayn here I come


So like I'm oh so tired!
Weekend plans:
First of all, 20+ pages of homework (no joke) doesn't mix well with blogging):
Second, Tomorrow I have to help put with my dad and he doesn't have wifi *sigh* so I can't even post from my iPod.
Third, I might be able to post more sunday... idk...


Thursday, September 27, 2012


Stop calling me, okay! I don't have unlimited minutes! I can't talk non-stop on the phone all day, mmkay?


I know we only met but lets pretend its love ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫


(First of all, when I put the GIFs on here they get all screwed up so thats with all the purple!)
When people start a fight on facebook, RL, or really, ANYWHERE.

In case you were wondering..

This is who I look up to, and I'm not afraid to say it. My whole life is about these boys. I know some people will never understand, but I know some who will. Only Directioners know that it's able to love these freaks with ALL our hearts.

My dream last night very summed up..

Wearing a 'Kiss Me' shirt and not expecting anyone to actually kiss you. Suddenly some boy comes up to you and kisses you.
"Sorry, I couldn't resist. My name's Louis." The boy says.


He catches one of the boys checking you out..

“Babe!” Harry shouted from the living room, “Can you bring us some snacks?” All the boys were over playing video games. You made a bag of popcorn and brought it out to them. You felt eyes burning into your backside. When you turned around, you saw Zayn quickly look away. You weren’t wearing anything too revealing, just shorts and a long sleeve shirt. You plopped down next to Harry, ignoring Zayn’s stares. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Zayn looking at you once again. You felt Harry tense up next you. “You okay?” you whispered to him. He looked at you and pulled closer, practically on top of him. Harry cleared his throat, making Zayn turn his head. “Hey babe, will you get us some drinks?” he asked, sweetly. You knew he was up to something, but you got up anyway. As you stood up, Harry smacked your butt and said, “Mine.” He was looking directly at Zayn, whose cheeks became red with embarrassment.
You were in your bedroom changing to get ready to go out to dinner with Liam and the boys. They were all downstairs waiting for you. You must have been taking longer than you thought because you heard a knock at the door, thinking it was just Liam, you ignored it. “Hey (Y/N) are you almost read—…,” Niall started to say. When he saw you in only your bra and underwear, he froze. You tried to cover yourself quickly, but it was no use. You heard Liam come up behind him, interrupting the rather awkward situation. Niall’s expression changed from embarrassed to impressed. Liam saw his friend checking his girlfriend out, “Dude! Go away!” He grabbed Niall by the shoulders and pushed him in the other direction. Liam looked at you, silently asking you what happened. Before you could respond, you heard the rest of the boys congratulating Niall on see you half-naked.
You were at one of their concert sitting in crowd. You were having a good with Lou and Lux dancing around. All throughout the concert, Harry kept looking over at you. You tried to wave it off as if it were nothing, so you just simply smiled and went back to dancing with Lux. It seemed like whenever he needed to find his place during the show, his eyes landed right on you. Halfway through the Twitter questions, Louis noticed what Harry was staring at— you. When Harry looked at you again, Louis said, “Hey Curly, why don’t you keep your eyes on that granny over there!” The crowd erupted into laughter and you did as well. Harry instantly became pale, knowing he got caught, but he laughed it off. To embarrass him even further, Louis did the whole “I’m watching you” motion with his hand. Harry got a talk from Louis afterwards about getting his own chicks.
“Niall!” you whined walking in the recording studio’s break room and sitting down on his lap. “What’s wrong?” he asked, stroking your hair. “I don’t feel good,” you said, burying your face into his neck. Niall picked you up bridal style and laid you down on the couch. He told you he had to go sing his solos and that he’d be back. You got yourself comfortable and started to drift off. You heard Louis talking to Liam about something. You listened very closely and heard they were talking about you. “I still think she looks hot, even if she’s sick,” you heard Louis say. “What did you just say, Lou?” Niall asked, looking at the older boy. “Um, nothing,” he said, sinking back into his chair. “No, (Y/N) is not hot. She’s beautiful. Now Paul was you to go in to record,” he said, gesturing towards the door. Liam just sat there feeling awkward. All you could do was smile in your sleep.
“Come on, Zayn! Please?” you begged, standing in the pool. You were begging your boyfriend to come in the water and swim with you, but he wouldn’t budge. “No, (Y/N)! I’m not!” he said, crossing his arms and standing his ground. “Fine,” you said, turning around. You heard a familiar voice scream, “Cannonball!” and there were multiple splashes in the pool. “What the hell!” Zayn said when he resurfaced from being dunked underwater. Niall, Harry, Liam, and Louis all looked at him, laughing. While they were laughing, you had managed to get out of the pool. You laid down on one of the lounge chair. “Liam! Man! Knock it off!” you heard Zayn yell, pushing Liam underwater. Little did you know, while you were getting out of the pool, Liam was staring at you. The. Whole. Way. Not to mention, his mouth was wide open. You could see Zayn fuming. This was going to be a long day.

Curly hair&Quiffs.

I think all guys should have either curly hair or quiffs.
But then again, only Harry Styles is the only one I know who can pull off curly hair. Agreed?

Talk About Awkward...

Okay so last night I was texting one of my ex's Austin and I told him he should get a quiff and he's like whats that and I'm like 'look it up!' then hes like 'no' then i'm like 'fine' then he's like 'yeah wanna date' and im sitting there like 'tf?' and replied 'no because you wont do something as simple as look that up' and hes like 'i'll look it up if we go out' and i just wanted to scream because this guy irratates me sometimes. but i couldn't scream because i was at the races with family and it would be weird and random.
anyways, i responded 'no' and he's like 'plz' and then i had to put my phone away because this was 'family time' then when we got back in the car to go home i texted 'sorry had to put my phone away' and he's like 'its okay' then stopped texting me.
WOW. and the funny part was his facebook says he's in a relationship. :L

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

&Once again..

FREAKING OUT OVER A RUMOR that does include ONE DIRECTION'S LIAM PAYNE. If its true than he's probably in so much PAYNE.

so, erm, basically..

*le freaking out about Liam & Danielle*
this snowflake makes everything better(:


Falling in love with a boy band was the most unexpected plot twist in my life.


You just want to go to a park/school and swing on the swings. Bring back all your childhood memories.
Yeah, so I like went to the park at like 7:30 p.m. when it was like deserted (and suprisingly dark out)  and let my inner child loose. I listened to my One Direction well swinging for like 20 minutes(: So fun! I will always do that now.
&Nialler I don't want to hear your feed back on this because I know it will be negitive.

ALSO, when you try to be a rebel and do a back flip off the swinging swing and you land on your face - theres me for you, a stupid, clumsy rebel(:

&To get my mind off this:


Peter... LOUIS!

You cannot tell me he doesn't make a perfect peter pan.


NO NO NO NO NO NO! They were so cute together! But I'm not going to freak out until I hear one of them confrim it.

Monday, September 24, 2012

This is what I'm thinking...

You know it's sad when a plastic pigeon is more famous than you are.


Yes - it does look like him but it isn't. Alright? It really makes us directioners mad when you people say that's Zayn. I mean can't you tell that's not him? He doesn't even have beautiful eyelashes!!!!!!!!!!!


So like to be honest that's kinda sad don't you think?

We all do it..

Sometimes we just sit there and think 'I swear I have met these boys before.' Because you know more about them than your best friend.


I thought if this today as I got my lunch and picked out a orange just in case the invasion started at lunch.(: there's a dedicated directioner right there.


This reminded me of my wonder 'na na na' friend...

OMG Niall.....

One insanely hot everyday boy band.

Best Way To Threat..

ANY Directioner. I would run out of that room faster than lighting. I don't like spoons. I mean what is more fun than trying to eat cereal with a fork just for some guy who doesn't know you exist?!

They went from...

Going so slow they got several tickets in 2010 now in 2012 they are going crazy fast. Man Lou - yeah he learned his lesson.
 Lol Liam looks like he is hung over as f**k
 Niall looks like he is like about to barf..
&Lou couldn't be more happy.

This reminds me Linds..

We need to have tea with salt or pickle..!!

300 pageveiws?

In like 3-4 days? THANKS SO MUCH!! :D
&I'm in the 70's of posting.
Maybe I'll be a blogger when I'm older. They make like 55 thousand (or more) a year!(:

This needs to be a theme song..!


&You know it.

When someone says they don't like one direction:
When your mom says you can't move to London to be with your 5 boyfriends:
Thats alright with me Lou! JK I don't want you arrested.


I bet Niall was thinking... "Dude, if you don't get that cookie in your mouth in the next five seconds its MINE."

Awwww (':

You just know it(:

I'm Gobsmacked...

Can I get this in life size and framed for my wall?


The one and only Zayn Malik. I still love him.