Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Little Things

OMG, 1D's new song is very amazayn. the feels! Harrys solos made him sound like an angel♥
When people say Louis can't sing in that song it really makes me mad. Louis' voice is goregous and I could listen to it forever.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


I'm sick and tired of this fandom! It's disgusting! #ZuxFanfic

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Okay so this is to all you fans freaking out because of 'Nemi'...
They couldn't be in a relationship any time soon because Niall has to go on the 2013 tour soon anyway. &if you watched one of Demi's latest interviews she admits she doesnt want a relationship. I quote Demi "I am enjoying being single."
If Demi makes Niall happy I would love for them to be together (I ship Nemi!) I would never send her hate. HECK, I never sent Perrie, El, or Dan hate. I want the boys to be happy, their haooy when their girls are happy!
Do you support everything they do 100%?

Monday, October 22, 2012

That moment when:

Your about to forgive someone but then someone else comes along and f**ks it up.

New favorite qoute:

"There's no such thing as a fat girl. Everyone is beautiful in their own way." - Niall Horan

Congrats Boo!(:

Congrats to Louis @ his football (soccer) match!(Lou and Liam in this pic btw!)

That Awkward Moment When..

Someone asks you what race you are when your clearly white..

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Saturday, October 20, 2012

This is me when:

I am scrolling threw facebook/tumblr and see a really sexy picture of 1D:
When I heard about Dani and Liam breaking up:
When I read the ZUX fanfiction:

When my mom says I have to get off the computer to do homework/chores:
How my dreams consist:
(Do they really need a chick in the bathroom with them while their like.. naked..(:....)
When someone asks me who my fave is:
(Nothing about this one it's just my favorite GIF of Niall(:..)

Monday, October 15, 2012


One Direction confrimed they are making a new movie in a magazine I saw at the store last weekend! I'm so so SO HAPPY!(:

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thank You SO Much, Everyone.

So, I looked through my posts to see that I had 22 veiws on my 'Fresh Start' post. Over all, I have about 730 pageviews in less than a month! So just a massive thank you to everyone of my blog readers even if your just scanning it or if your acaully reading it..(:


OMG... Niall's face...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

This song is the best.

My new favorite song right now that I am completely addicted to is Lego House by Ed Sheeran. Another good song by him is 'drunk'...(:

Sometimes all you need is a fresh start.

Now that I'm at a new school, I think it's time to push my past away and be the real me. I'm tired of hiding and still being who I was these last few years. New friends hello, and old friends, you were nice but you just aren't the same anymore. I won't forget you because the good memories with forever be there. Goodbye Facebook, I can't stand to see people status's get hated on. It disgusts me to see the girls photos where they try to seek 'male attention'. New number, Don't want my past making its way up again. 'The past is the past and the future is present.'♥
I am who I am and I won't change that for any one. Yeah, I'm American but I speak with a British accent because I want to. I say 'bloody' instead of a curse word because thats just ME. Don't like me? Then go. I don't want to see your face again. I hereby declare that I will NEVER change myself again for anyone.
Last year, I completly gave up on everything, yeah, I might have 'smelled' or didn't dress very classy - I stayed to what felt comfortable; Sweatshirt and Jeans. Because I completly gave up after many many long years of bullies. There was this kid named Connor Rice, we went to daycare together for many years, he bullied me. In sixth grade, (this was 2 years ago) he died. His sister posted on facebook a couple weeks ago saying. 'Don't bully, it's what took my brother.' And I thought, It's like karma right? I would have never expected Connor to be the one who was getting bullied - He seemed so strong on the outside. I know that might be bad to say about a dead person but it's true. I would never bully someone because I know how it feels, it doesn't feel very good on the inside, sometimes on the outside. I want everyone to take a moment to send prayers to Connor's family.
I also really wanted to say thank you to One Direction even though I know you probably wont ever read this, but when I started watching your video diaries, listening to your music, you really put a smile on my face, I know that I won't ever get to meet you but I won't ever loose hope. I love every single one of you boys in your own amazing way♥
When I started to become a Directioner, I thought it would just be a small crush that I soon got over. Nope. I thought completly wrong, I have a One Direction Infection and even though it sounds like a deathly thing, the thought of it puts a smile on my face as I think:
"I've never been so inlove with four British people and one Irish lad. I never expected to be inlove with such full-hearted people."
I don't ever have a sad moment, but if I do, the Up All Night album magically heals me.
A little message:
Bullying hurts, if you see someone getting bullied, so and tell that bully to stop.
Oh, and you can't forget the death stare!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Saturday, October 6, 2012


This boy, Liam James Payne, is freaking AMAZAYN.
I never realized just how amazing and beautiful his chocolate brown eyes were.

My Mum Is Lucky.

LOL. I texted my mum this!

Get It..?

Louis: Why did the mushroom go to the party?
Everyone: ...
Louis: Because he was a fungai.

True Story.

So the other day my Grandmum came to pick me up for dinner at her house and I turned the radio to 105.7 and hoped that LWWY came on and when the song that was on ended I heard the first 3 beats on LWWY on it and I'm sitting in my seat freaking out. 'OMG this is my jam!' I basically screamed then turned it on full blast and started singing along. I looked at my grandma and she was like dancing along, that was by far the best car ride ever.(:
I'm like:

Friday, October 5, 2012


Okay so I really hate how one of your 'friends' think your not a real directioner because you list their favorite last. Niall is still cute but I'm a directioner, my heart changes over who my favorite is. Like I'm starting to favorite Zayn instead of Louis. This is an on going battle with us directioners. It's hard to pick one because they are all so amazing.
What also really irritates me is when I say 'I like Lou.' And there's some other chick who is like 'Louis mine!' And you just think, 'he's not yours, he's not anyone's to keep.' If he is 'anyone's then he is Eleanor's... Or Harry's... I just think that that is another really annoying thing about fellow directioners.
I could continue on with this rage and I probably will in more posts because people are SO ANNOYING.


Yay(: But sadly I probably won't be posting very much. Ahh):

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


So my friend just emailed me saying 'hey I got a question..... Is Harry bisexual?'
I could not stop laughing.

Monday, October 1, 2012